I am trying something new with an EARS newsletter. My goal is to improve club communication. The plan is to publish a newsletter weekly but I may need some help to do so. If any of you are able to help, please let me know.
Steven Christy, N5ZQ
Harvey Jones, W0HGJ – 2023 Ham of the Year
Congratulations to Harvey Jones, W0HGJ on being named the EARS 2023 Ham of the Year! Harvey worked really hard during 2023 putting together two very successful technician licensing classes. He also helped make the Christmas dinner a success. Harvey steps up when there is a need in order to make the club a success.
Let’s all congratulate Harvey on his good work!

Winter/Spring 2024 Technician Licensing Class
Signups are now open for the next technician licensing class. The class begins January 30, 2024 and it takes place from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on each Tuesday for 9 weeks. If you would like to sign up or if you know someone who would like to take the class, please have them sign up on the Technician License Class page.
Membership Renewal
EARS membership runs on an annual basis so it is time to renew your membership if you have not already done so. Renewing is as easy as completing the membership form on the Membership Form page. You can either pay at that time using a credit card via PayPal or you can mail in a check.
If you have any questions, they can be directed to the membership coordinator, Chris, KD5OOJ, at membership@k5eok.org.
Logan County ARES Meeting
The Logan County ARES group’s next meeting is Saturday, January 20th at 9am at the Logan County Sheriff’s training room at 219 S. Broad St in Guthrie. The topic is task force staging. Some of the Logan County Deputy Emergency Managers attending a class on this topic a few months ago and I have heard that it was really good. They are bringing the class to the ARES team.
All are invited and welcome to attend!
Please contact Clay, WA6LBU (wa6lbu@gmail.com) or Steven, N5ZQ (n5zq@n5zq.us) if you have any questions.
Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day is coming up the weekend of January 27-28. This is a winter emergency preparedness exercise similar to the summer ARRL Field Day we all know and love. This exercise is similar but it is not run by the ARRL so there are a few differences in the rules but it is a great way to test our skills during the winter months.
The Logan County ARES group is participating on Saturday, January 27th from the Logan County Sheriff’s training room at 219 S. Broad St in Guthrie. We will be setting up two stations on emergency power with antennas on a portable tower. While the event runs from 1pm Saturday to 1pm Sunday, we will only be operating from around 1pm Saturday until probably 6pm or 6:30pm.
Everyone is invited to attend and we would love to see you there!
If you have any question, please contact myself, Steven, N5ZQ (n5zq@n5zq.us) or Clay, WA6LBU (wa6lbu@gmail.com).
Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon
Please read the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon info below from Gayland and consider volunteering if you are available.
Registration is open for volunteering for the communications unit that supports the Oklahoma City Marathon. Last year we had more than 70 amateur radio operators supporting the nearly 19,000 runners over a two-day period. Amateurs helped with logistical tasks, such as providing information on locations of the head and rear of the races, supported delivery of ice and water to the various water stops, provided communications at each of the medical stations, gave real-time information to relay team members readying to make their exchanges, and in general provided another set of eyes and ears for the Marathon operations leaders as well as the public safety responders.
The Marathon events we support will be on Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th. We’ll need folks on Saturday to support the 5K race, Senior Marathon and Kids Marathon; and then a full contingent of communicators to support the full/half marathons on Sunday.
Register to volunteer for either or both days by going to the Marathon website at https://okcmarathon.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=76852&job_name=Auxiliary%20Communications . When you’re asked for a password or code, enter 20HAM24 ; this takes you directly to our communications section of the volunteer registration. If you have a preferred location to work or preferred hams to partner with, there’s a place for you to enter that as well.
For planning purposes, this year’s pre-event meeting will be on Monday evening, April 22nd, at the Oklahoma City Fire Training Center (more details to come).
Please feel free to share this far and wide among your fellow hams; this event requires as many people as we can provide. And yes, we’ll be making recruiting visits to the various clubs shortly.
Thank you for your participation in last year’s event and we’ll hope to see you this year too!
WX5MOR / Gayland
2024 Auxiliary Communications Unit Leader
gkitch@cityofmoore.com cell 405-834-6304
Field Day 2024
Field Day 2024 was a topic of new business at the January 9th board meeting. The board voted unanimously to hold Field Day at Fire Station 5 this year. We have reserved the same space we have started using for board meeting which is at the main building right next to the station. This space is large enough for both the Field Day operations and the dinner. The best part is that it is air conditioned!
I know June is a ways off but we need to start our planning now. If you are able to help in any way, please contact myself, Steven, N5ZQ (n5zq@n5zq.us) and let me know!
2024 Green Country Hamfest – April 12th& 13th in Claremore, Oklahoma
Pre-Reregistration is OPEN!
2024 Green Country Hamfest – April 12th& 13th in Claremore, Oklahoma.
Only 30 minutes from Tulsa!
Claremore Expo, 400 Veterans Parkway, Claremore, OK, 74017
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/X9kEa
Talk-in on: 147.09+
Free Parking!!! – Low Cost ON-SITE RV Parking!
Terrific Prizes! Fantastic Forums – Learn something new! See
Flea Market – Great Bargains!
Free Test Table – Check It Before You Buy It!
On-site VE Testing Get or upgrade your license!
Advance admission is $8.00.
Preregistered Tables are $15.00 each.
Commercial booths are $50.00 each.
Tickets are $10.00 at the door.
Tables are $20.00 at the door.
Order early and save!
Online Preregistration Closes
March 31, 2024
Several Commercial Tables remaining
and Flea Market Tables remaining
Children 12 and under are Free!
Friday open to public at 4 PM to 9 PM
Saturday open to public 8 AM to 3 PM
Setup Friday 12:00PM.
Setup at 7:00AM Saturday until 8:00AM.
More info at http://www.greencountryhamfest.org
Upcoming Events
All Ham Dinner – Thursday, January 18th at 6pm at Golden Palace Buffet at 1224 South Air Depot
Logan County ARES Meeting – Saturday, January 20th at 9am at Logan County Sheriff’s Office training room, 219 S. Broad St in Guthrie
Winter Field Day – Saturday, January 27th from 1pm to 7pm
Technician Class – Starts Tuesday, January 30th at 6:30pm to 8:30pm and runs for 9 weeks
EARS Licensing Testing – Saturday, February 3rd at 8am – Sign Up on License Testing page
Edmond Siren Test – Saturday, February 3rd at 11:30am
February Board Meeting – Tuesday, February 13th at 7pm at Edmond Fire Station 5, 5300 E Covell
February Club Dinner – Thursday, February 15th at 6:30pm – Location TBD
Stockyards City St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Saturday, March 16th – Signup Coming Soon
Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon – April 27th and 28th