During the K5EOK Field Day on Saturday, June 22nd, we held a 10M dipole build activity and we had the following high level results. In total 13 dipoles antennas were built during field day from 20 parts kits with 5 of them raised and tested successfully during the activity period. The class was full of lots of helpers who participated during the day and during the successful build period.
K5SRT – Ross Terry started receiving questions via email and upon arrival that morning as excited participants saw DIY kits being assembled on site. The class was officially started as scheduled at 4pm and wrapping up to clear tables before dinner at 6pm. The class started a with basic theory discussion followed by a hands on build event. Several hams worked together with the primary participants listed below and helped with cutting the dipole legs and helping others use the shared tools which were new to some participants.
Most of the DIY kits involved two basic dipole models (circular or triangular base centers) with SO-239 connectors. Some of the wire crimping and hardware kit assembly was done in advance to allow for the basic build process in the time allowed. At least six of the new dipoles were raised out front and tested with SWR meters and I know of QSOs being made on at least one during the final minutes of the class.
Parts List
Qty. 1 Circle insulator base
Qty. 1 Socket SO-239 (panel mount)
Qty. 1 Red 6” wire – stranded (center)
Qty. 1 Black 5” wire – stranded (shld)
Qty. 2 ring lug # 10 ( for 10-32 terminals)
Qty. 1 ring lug (for SO-239 shield term.)
Qty. 4 nut & bolt (# 6-32×3/4” for mount)
Qty. 2 wing nut & bolt (# 10-32×3/4”)
Qty.2 dipole leg (9’) with #10 lug for mount
Note: later determined Qty. 2 bolts for dipole leg mounting needed to be longer allowing two nuts per bolt top side so lugs have HW clearance to allow wing nuts to install and tighten down (see picture)
Planned for coax strain relief on assembly (lower hole) but not installed on any test units coax taped to cord used to raise dipole.

Field Day Build Participants
Melinda Thompson, KE5IGK
Larry Kennedy, WA5GLO
Brandon Roussel, KI5ZIR
Kahner Garnett, KJ5FVJ
Ethan Short, KI5VME
Morris Feigel, KJ5EWC
John Wilson Jr, KI5PHF
Jhansi Garnett, KJ5FVK
Dee Cordry, KJ5FVI
Jerry Thomason, WB5SYT
Ross Terry, K5SRT (3 different types, first was prototype built for board meetings discussion)
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Ross, K5SRT