During the K5EOK Field Day on Saturday, June 22nd, we held a 10M dipole build activity and we had the following high level results. In total 13 dipoles antennas were built during field day from 20 parts kits with 5 of them raised and tested successfully during the activity period. […]
Daily Archives: August 5, 2024
Due to work issues I have not been able to finish the next part, but meantime here is an update to local mesh goings on. We now have a node stack up on Dwain’s or the grainery in downtown Edmond. The link antenna to the rest of the network is […]
In this section we will take a look at some of the hardware used in a node site. AREDN® is one of the lowest cost parts of the service. The radios are not expensive, with the most costly being the sector antennas (the long vertical boxes you see on cell […]
In this section we will look at the two remaining tabs or pages. These pages are accessed via the [Setup] page. Here is a view of the Administration page: Starting at the top you see two entries [Help] and [Reboot]. Help will bring up help pages for this screen. And […]
The Port Forwarding DHCP, and Services screen, depending on your needs you may work here a bit. Starting on the left you have DHCP Address Reservations. Hostname is the host name of the device you are going to set as static. IP address is the address assigned by the DHCP […]
Below is the newsletter for August 5, 2024. Please let me know if you can help with the newsletter so we can keep sending one out regularly. I am trying to include original articles and I could use some help. If you can write an article or even if you […]