Due to work issues I have not been able to finish the next part, but meantime here is an update to local mesh goings on.

We now have a node stack up on Dwain’s or the grainery in downtown Edmond. The link antenna to the rest of the network is mounted on the deck just below the word FLOUR, to the right of the “R” aimed south.

This is the link antenna aimed south to the Edmond South node stack.
This is the sector antenna which is on the north east corner of the east deck.

It is aimed at the location of this years field day. The radio is on 2.4Ghz on channel -2 (out of the Part 15 band, it is 2 channels below the part 15 band)
The cable is all Cat 6, we do not have to worry about coax as the radios are built into the antennas.
The next picture is the gear in the equipment room at the top of the grainery.

At the left side we have a power strip and power supplies, on the right we have from left to right the hAP-ac-Lite. Next the hAP is a 4 port PoE switch and the small box to the right of the switch is a lightning arrestor. Later on we will obtain a wall box and properly mount all of the equipment in a protected box.
The next big step is to mount solar panels up on the upper deck which (referring to the picture of the grainery above) is just to the left of the dog house which is adorned with cellular antennas.
We have plenty of space for solar panels, which would allow the node to be independent of the grid, something very important here in Oklahoma with our weather.
The next radio step is more sector antennas on 5Ghz and a link antenna to the north to bring AREDN to Guthrie.
We will also be adding cameras to the grainery site for both WX observations and other general monitoring (fires and other events).
We would like to be able to add enough batteries in the future to be able to support a repeater along with the node stack. The present node stack probably pulls no more than about 12 watts.
A big thank you to Dwain’s Automotive for allowing us access to the roof. Keep them in mind when you need automotive service.
As we extend the network out more and more of you should be able to access the network over RF, this is the real goal of AREDN. The tunnels are just to get folks on line and working towards an RF solution for all.