
License Testing

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Edmond Amateur Radio Society began with a few Amateur Radio operators meeting at each other’s homes in the 1950’s.  The group expanded by helping others interested in Amateur Radio to obtain their operator licenses. The organization as we know it today began in 1957.

Get Involved in the Fun! 

The EARS club is an active community.  We regularly meet socially in person for dinners and board meetings as well as for “nets”, which are meetings held on the air.  We help with communications for local Emergency Management during storm season and in disaster situations and for local events throughout the year, such as Cycle 66, the Memorial Marathon, various parades.  One of our busiest times is Edmond’s LibertyFest, which is just around the corner.  We help with communications and other tasks for the Rodeo, the Liberty Fest Parade, and Fireworks.  There is a place for you whether you have your license yet or not! 

Get Licensed! 

Amateur radio, aka Ham radio, is widely varied.  Whether you are preparing for a disaster, you love tinkering with and building electronics, or you want to make contacts with people all over the world, there is something here for your interests!  Obtaining your Technician Class License is just the beginning of learning about all things Ham radio.  EARS offers a free test prep course in the spring and the fall to help you learn what you need to know to pass your Technician Class License exam.

Get more information!

Check out the pages of this website,, for more information about our history and organization, for technical information, for ways to get involved with the community and how to get on the air!   


Club Repeaters

EARS operates a 2m meter repeater on 147.135 and a 70cm repeater on 443.425. More detailed repeater information along with a link to the live online audio feed can be found on the repeater info page.

Monday Night Information Net

Check in on 147.135 and 443.425 at 8 pm on Monday evenings for the latest information information in central Oklahoma.

The Route 66 10 meter HF Net is an informal net conducted each Monday evening on 28.390 USB, Alternate: 28.410 USB
Route 66 10 meter HF NET immediately following the 2 meter Information net at approximately 8:30 PM. Get your kicks on 10 meters!

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